Why SilverPeak Wealth

Time is money. Spend yours wisely.

Financial Planning with SilverPeak Wealth

It can be overwhelming trying to pick the best investments, or feel like you have a handle on your retirement.

A survey by a top financial company found that Americans spend less time planning for an IRA investment than they spend choosing a restaurant, a flat screen, or a phone. This might seem shocking. But really, can you blame anyone?

Making smart investment decisions is important. Having a sound retirement strategy is important. Working with a trusted advisor who oversees both can give you more time to focus on what is important to you.

Advisors at SilverPeak Wealth are fiduciaries who work with only a small number of clients. This means SilverPeak Wealth advisors can provide a level of personal attention that larger firms simply can’t. In addition, all advisors at SilverPeak Wealth are CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals (CFP®). In other words, they know their stuff.

SilverPeak Wealth

SilverPeak Wealth is a Boulder-based independent, fee-only, Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) managing investment portfolios for clients with investable assets greater than one million dollars. SilverPeak Wealth does not sell products, or work for commissions, so we have little, if any, conflicts of interests with our clients. In other words, we are intentionally designed to act in our clients’ best interest.

SilverPeak Wealth’s primary mission is to help clients grow and protect their wealth.

Optimizing Investments

Investment portfolios aren’t meant to be set up and forgotten. Things change, and your investments need to change too. SilverPeak Wealth reviews, updates, and rebalances every portfolio quarterly to make sure their clients are taking advantage of a constantly changing investment markets, which include stocks, bonds … AND … real estate.

Managing Risk

Making money in the stock market is great. But giving it all back during the next downturn doesn’t work. Protecting the downside is critical to long-term investment success. SilverPeak Wealth continually monitors investment valuations and trends, with a careful eye to where value hides. At the same time, SilverPeak’s discipline of quarterly rebalancing ensures your portfolio doesn’t become top heavy with yesterday’s top performers.

Lowering Fees and Expenses

The old adage, ‘you get what you pay for’ might hold true for a lot of things, but investing isn’t one of them. High fees and expenses rob investors of returns while enriching managers. Index funds and ETFs charge a fraction of traditional mutual funds and their long-term performance is almost always better. SilverPeak Wealth is committed to finding the lowest-cost solutions so you can keep more of what your investments earn.

Creating Tax Efficiency

No one likes surprises on April 15th. Interest, dividends, and capital gains all contribute to your tax situation, but strategic advisors like SilverPeak can do things to minimize the tax impact of investing. SilverPeak Wealth will review your tax return and work closely with your tax preparer to be tax smart.

Find out how you can have an ongoing partnership with SilverPeak Wealth.

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