
This team wanted to work together.

Like many great collaborations, SilverPeak Wealth’s core management team worked side-by-side at a previous firm before joining forces… and it shows.

Hank and Liz met in 2000. At the time, Liz was running a robust family office firm catering to very high-net-worth families. She had extra office space in her suite and was looking to rent it. As fate had it, Hank had just joined a small start-up advisory firm, and that firm needed office space.

Working in close proximity, and working in very similar businesses, Hank & Liz became fast friends sharing stories and laughs.

Fast forward twelve years, Liz was looking to evolve her financial business and decided (with Hank’s encouragement) to join that start-up advisory firm she had subleased office space to so many years ago.

Hank and Liz were once again collaborating. Liz began rapidly attracting new clients and Hank, who was the firm’s chief investment officer, stepped in on the investment strategy side. But Liz and Hank certainly didn’t do it on their own. Liz was great with clients and Hank was great with investments, but who was there to make sure nothing slipped through the cracks?

Kirsten Roeber stepped in as the third leg of the client service team. Kirsten knows how to build systems and get things done. Her work ethic and follow through means clients are always in good hands.

Today, Hank, Liz and Kirsten make up the leadership team of SilverPeak Wealth. All three are Certified Financial Planners (CFPs), all three work with clients, and all three share their core areas of expertise for the benefit of all clients of SilverPeak Wealth.

Silverpeak team

Core Values

  • Do what’s in the best interest of the client. Period.
  • Relentlessly pursue superior investment returns while minimizing risk.
  • Always seek ways to lower fees to clients.
  • Provide answers and solutions to complex financial situations.
  • Respond to emails and phone calls in a timely manner.
  • Communicate in terms everyone understands.
  • Help clients align their wealth with their values and lifestyle goals.
  • Smile, laugh and listen carefully.

Our team

Hank Nicholson - SilverPeak Wealth
Hank Nicholson, CFP

Hank is an entrepreneur, adventure geek, and 30+ year tree-hugging Boulderite. (Yes, he rides his electric bike to work.)

Hank is also an advisor, the chief investment officer, and the founder of SilverPeak Wealth. Prior to starting SilverPeak in 2014, Hank was a partner and chief investment officer at another local wealth management firm where he oversaw $250 million of client portfolios.

Learn more about Hank

Liz Jacques - SilverPeak Wealth
Elizabeth Jacques, CFP

Liz is spunky, light-hearted, and smart.

Her career started as a securities trader right out of grad school. This was a high stress position that required quick wits, savvy instincts, and a bit of charm.

She later moved on to work in commercial real estate lending—another field of big dollars, big players, and big egos. Again, Liz excelled because she continually moved towards challenging projects, as well as challenging personalities.

Learn more about Liz

Kirsten Roeber, CFP

Kirsten is a financial professional that gets things done. She embodies a rare combination of qualities: she’s conscientious, capable, diligent, smart, and funny. And, she enjoys helping people with all the details, which makes her an indispensable part of the SilverPeak Wealth team.

Kirsten began her career in the healthcare field where she consulted with physicians in the process of setting up their practices. She aided doctors in all facets of this process. What interested Kirsten the most was helping these professionals understand the financial side of their businesses. Explaining complex financial models to doctors in a way that they could understand meant setting these doctors up for success.

Learn more about Kirsten

Denham Nicholson - SilverPeak Wealth
Denham Nicholson, FPQP

Denham is an inspired businesswoman at heart. She is all about getting things done.

As operations manager for SilverPeak Wealth, Denham brings great communication skills, persistence, and hard work to the job.

Denham’s role at SilverPeak Wealth includes a wide range of operational responsibilities—everything from mission-critical client forms and client reporting, to planning company events, to greeting guests when they call on the phone or walk in the door. In addition, Denham is a Financial Paraplanner Qualified Professional (FPQP), bringing added strength to SilverPeak Wealth’s financial planning efforts for clients.

Learn more about Denham

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