Active Buy & Hold

Active Buy & Hold… The Power of Rebalancing

Hank Nicholson, CFP

Chief Investment Officer

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    Stocks Rally on Inflation News

    Inflation cooled further in June leading markets to believe Fed rates will soon follow. For the first time in a long time the Consumer Price Index fell on a monthly basis in June, declining 0.1% from May. This was welcome news for the financial markets......

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    Unveiling Legends: The Stories of Women Who Transformed the World

    Spring is a great time to pause and to think about the tremendous contributions of women across various fields. From science and technology to literature and the arts, women have played pivotal roles in shaping our world. We would like to shed light on these......

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    Higher for Longer Interest Rates Hurting Stock Prices

    Fed chairman Powell suggests interest rates could stay high for a longer period. The stock market, which was expecting numerous cuts this year, has not responded favorably. Up until very recently, the expectation for 2024 has been for moderating inflation and several Fed rate cuts.......

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