SilverPeak Wealth doesn’t claim to beat the market. That’s not how they add value. Instead, SilverPeak Wealth builds sensible, diversified, and low-cost portfolios designed to perform well regardless of what the market throws at you.
There is a misconception that investors only have two strategy options: buy, hold, and forget, or, active trading. The truth is that both of these approaches are flawed. Active trading often leads to high fees, taxes and worst of all… big mistakes. On the other hand, a neglected portfolio won’t be able to take advantage of a changing market, or manage risk.
SilverPeak Wealth believes in Active Buy and Hold. That is, stay invested, but be smart. SilverPeak Wealth trims back investments when they become overvalued and looks to buy when value emerges. SilverPeak Wealth never chases performance (i.e. They don’t follow the herd.) And, Silverpeak Wealth manages the tax implications of investing.
In other words, SilverPeak Wealth brings a disciplined approach to maximize results, while minimizing risk.